Residential broadband in The Village of Indian Hill, Ohio
Nonstationary satellites
220Mbps / 25Mbps
2,397 locations
Stationary satellites
100Mbps / 5Mbps
2,331 locations
1Gbps / 1Gbps
2,146 locations
Licensed fixed wireless
100Mbps / 20Mbps
1,528 locations
Licensed fixed wireless
300Mbps / 20Mbps
710 locations
Licensed fixed wireless
100Mbps / 20Mbps
510 locations
2Gbps / 1Gbps
51 locations
50Mbps / 10Mbps
58 locations
Stationary satellites
100Mbps / 3Mbps
41 locations
Unlic. fixed wireless
25Mbps / 5Mbps
1 locations