Broadband in Pennsylvania's cities, towns, and villages
- Aaronsburg
- Aaronsburg
- Abbottstown
- Ackermanville
- Acosta
- Adamsburg
- Adamstown
- Adamsville
- Addison
- Akron
- Alba
- Albion
- Albrightsville
- Alburtis
- Aldan
- Alexandria
- Alfarata
- Aliquippa
- Alleghenyville
- Allenport
- Allenport
- Allensville
- Allentown
- Allenwood
- Allison
- Allison Park
- Allport
- Almedia
- Alsace Manor
- Altamont
- Altoona
- Alverda
- Ambler
- Ambridge
- Ambridge Heights
- Amity Gardens
- Ancient Oaks
- Andalusia
- Annville
- Apollo
- Applewold
- Arcadia University
- Archbald
- Ardmore
- Arendtsville
- Aristes
- Arlington Heights
- Armagh
- Arnold
- Arnold City
- Arnot
- Arona
- Ashland
- Ashley
- Ashville
- Aspers
- Aspinwall
- Atglen
- Athens
- Atkinson Mills
- Atlantic
- Atlas
- Atlasburg
- Atwood
- Auburn
- Audubon
- Austin
- Avalon
- Avella
- Avis
- Avoca
- Avon
- Avondale
- Avonia
- Avonmore
- Baden
- Baidland
- Baileyville
- Bainbridge
- Bairdford
- Bakerstown
- Bala Cynwyd
- Bald Eagle
- Baldwin
- Bally
- Bangor
- Barkeyville
- Barrville
- Bath
- Baumstown
- Beallsville
- Bear Creek Village
- Bear Lake
- Bear Rocks
- Beaver
- Beaverdale
- Beaver Falls
- Beaver Meadows
- Beaver Springs
- Beavertown
- Beavertown
- Bechtelsville
- Bedford
- Beech Creek
- Beech Mountain Lakes
- Belfast
- Bell Acres
- Bellefonte
- Belle Vernon
- Belleville
- Bellevue
- Bellwood
- Belmont
- Belsano
- Ben Avon
- Ben Avon Heights
- Bendersville
- Benson
- Bentleyville
- Benton
- Berlin
- Bernville
- Berrysburg
- Berwick
- Berwyn
- Bessemer
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Bethel Park
- Bethlehem
- Beurys Lake
- Big Bass Lake
- Big Beaver
- Bigler
- Biglerville
- Big Run
- Birchwood Lakes
- Bird-in-Hand
- Birdsboro
- Birmingham
- Black Lick
- Blain
- Blain City
- Blaine Hill
- Blairsville
- Blakely
- Blanchard
- Blandburg
- Blandon
- Blawnox
- Bloomfield
- Blooming Glen
- Blooming Valley
- Bloomsburg
- Blossburg
- Blue Ball
- Blue Bell
- Blue Knob
- Blue Ridge Summit
- Boalsburg
- Bobtown
- Boiling Springs
- Bolivar
- Bonneauville
- Boothwyn
- Boston
- Boswell
- Bowers
- Bowmanstown
- Bowmansville
- Boyers
- Boyertown
- Brackenridge
- Braddock
- Braddock Hills
- Bradenville
- Bradford
- Bradford Woods
- Branchdale
- Brandonville
- Brave
- Breinigsville
- Brentwood
- Bressler
- Briar Creek
- Brickerville
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeville
- Bridgewater
- Brisbin
- Bristol
- Brittany Farms-The Highlands
- Broad Top City
- Brockton
- Brockway
- Brodheadsville
- Brookhaven
- Brooks Mill
- Brookville
- Broomall
- Browndale
- Brownstown
- Brownstown
- Brownsville
- Browntown
- Bruin
- Bryn Athyn
- Bryn Mawr
- Buckhorn
- Buck Run
- Buena Vista
- Buffington
- Bulger
- Bunola
- Burgettstown
- Burlington
- Burnham
- Burnside
- Burnt Cabins
- Butler
- Byrnedale
- Cairnbrook
- California
- Callensburg
- Callery
- Callimont
- Caln
- Calumet
- Cambridge
- Cambridge Springs
- Campbelltown
- Camp Hill
- Canadohta Lake
- Canan Station
- Canoe Creek
- Canonsburg
- Canton
- Carbondale
- Carlisle
- Carlisle Barracks
- Carmichaels
- Carnegie
- Carnot-Moon
- Carrolltown
- Carroll Valley
- Carson Valley
- Casanova
- Cashtown
- Cassandra
- Casselman
- Cassville
- Castanea
- Castle Shannon
- Catasauqua
- Catawissa
- Cecil-Bishop
- Cedar Crest
- Cementon
- Centerport
- Centerville
- Centerville
- Central City
- Centralia
- Centre Hall
- Cetronia
- Chadds Ford
- Chalfant
- Chalfont
- Chalkhill
- Chambersburg
- Chapman
- Charleroi
- Charlottsville
- Chase
- Cheltenham Village
- Cherry Tree
- Cherry Valley
- Cherryville
- Chester
- Chesterbrook
- Chester Heights
- Chester Hill
- Chestnut Hill
- Chest Springs
- Cheswick
- Chevy Chase Heights
- Chewton
- Cheyney University
- Chicora
- Chinchilla
- Christiana
- Church Hill
- Churchill
- Churchtown
- Churchville
- Clairton
- Clappertown
- Clarence
- Clarendon
- Clarion
- Clark
- Clarks Green
- Clarks Summit
- Clarksville
- Clay
- Claysburg
- Claysville
- Clearfield
- Clearville
- Cleona
- Clifton Heights
- Clinton
- Clinton
- Clintondale
- Clintonville
- Clymer
- Coal Center
- Coaldale
- Coaldale
- Coalmont
- Coalport
- Coatesville
- Coburn
- Cochranton
- Cochranville
- Cokeburg
- Collegeville
- Collingdale
- Collinsburg
- Colonial Park
- Colony Park
- Columbia
- Columbus
- Colver
- Colwyn
- Commodore
- Conashaugh Lakes
- Conestoga
- Confluence
- Conneaut Lake
- Conneaut Lakeshore
- Conneautville
- Connellsville
- Connoquenessing
- Conshohocken
- Continental Courts
- Conway
- Conyngham
- Coopersburg
- Cooperstown
- Coplay
- Coral
- Coraopolis
- Cornwall
- Cornwells Heights
- Corry
- Corsica
- Cotton Town
- Coudersport
- Coulter
- Courtdale
- Cove Forge
- Crabtree
- Crafton
- Cranesville
- Creekside
- Crenshaw
- Cresson
- Cressona
- Cross Creek
- Cross Keys
- Cross Roads
- Crown
- Croydon
- Crucible
- Culp
- Cumbola
- Curryville
- Curtisville
- Curwensville
- Daisytown
- Dale
- Dallas
- Dallastown
- Dalmatia
- Dalton
- Danville
- Darby
- Darlington
- Dauberville
- Dauphin
- Davidsville
- Dawson
- Dayton
- Deemston
- Deer Lake
- Deer Lake
- Defiance
- Delano
- Delaware Water Gap
- Delmont
- Delta
- Denver
- Derry
- DeSales University
- Devon
- Dewart
- Dickson City
- Dillsburg
- Dilworthtown
- Distant
- Dixonville
- Donaldson
- Donegal
- Donora
- Dormont
- Dorneyville
- Dorseyville
- Douglassville
- Dover
- Downingtown
- Doylestown
- Dravosburg
- Drexel Hill
- Drifting
- Driftwood
- Dry Tavern
- Dryville
- Dublin
- DuBois
- Duboistown
- Dudley
- Dumb Hundred
- Dunbar
- Duncannon
- Duncansville
- Dunlevy
- Dunlo
- Dunmore
- Dunnstown
- Dupont
- Duquesne
- Duryea
- Dushore
- Eagle
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Lake
- Eagles Mere
- Eagleview
- Eagleville
- Eagleville
- Earlston
- East Altoona
- East Bangor
- East Berlin
- East Berwick
- East Brady
- East Butler
- East Conemaugh
- East Earl
- East Freedom
- East Greenville
- East Lansdowne
- Eastlawn Gardens
- East Marianna
- East McKeesport
- Easton
- East Petersburg
- East Pittsburgh
- East Prospect
- East Rochester
- East Salem
- East Sharpsburg
- East Side
- East Smithfield
- East Stroudsburg
- East Uniontown
- Eastvale
- East Vandergrift
- East Washington
- East Waterford
- East York
- Eau Claire
- Ebensburg
- Economy
- Eddington
- Eddystone
- Edenborn
- Edenburg
- Edgewood
- Edgewood
- Edgeworth
- Edie
- Edinboro
- Edinburg
- Edwardsville
- Effort
- Egypt
- Ehrenfeld
- Eighty Four
- Elberta
- Elco
- Elderton
- Eldorado
- Eldred
- Elgin
- Elim
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethtown
- Elizabethville
- Elk Grove
- Elkins Park
- Elkland
- Ellport
- Ellsworth
- Ellwood City
- Elmora
- Elrama
- Elverson
- Elysburg
- Emeigh
- Emerald Lakes
- Emigsville
- Emlenton
- Emmaus
- Emporium
- Emsworth
- Englewood
- Enhaut
- Enlow
- Enola
- Enon Valley
- Ephrata
- Erie
- Ernest
- Espy
- Etna
- Evansburg
- Evans City
- Everett
- Everson
- Exeter
- Export
- Exton
- Eyers Grove
- Factoryville
- Fairchance
- Fairdale
- Fairfield
- Fairhope
- Fairless Hills
- Fairview
- Fairview
- Fairview-Ferndale
- Falls Creek
- Fallston
- Falmouth
- Farmersville
- Farmington
- Farrell
- Farwell
- Fawn Grove
- Fawn Lake Forest
- Faxon
- Fayette City
- Fayetteville
- Feasterville
- Fellsburg
- Felton
- Fenelton
- Ferndale
- Fernville
- Finleyville
- Fisherville
- Fivepointville
- Fleetwood
- Flemington
- Flinton
- Flourtown
- Flying Hills
- Folcroft
- Folsom
- Foot of Ten
- Force
- Ford City
- Ford Cliff
- Forest City
- Forest Hills
- Forest Lake
- Forestville
- Forestville
- Forksville
- Fort Fetter
- Fort Indiantown Gap
- Fort Loudon
- Fort Washington
- Forty Fort
- Foster Brook
- Fostoria
- Foundryville
- Fountain Hill
- Fountain Springs
- Foxburg
- Fox Chapel
- Fox Chase
- Frackville
- Frankfort Springs
- Franklin
- Franklin
- Franklin Forge
- Franklin Park
- Franklintown
- Frankstown
- Frazer
- Fredericksburg
- Fredericksburg
- Fredericksburg
- Fredericktown
- Fredonia
- Freeburg
- Freedom
- Freeland
- Freemansburg
- Freeport
- Frenchville
- Friedens
- Friedensburg
- Friendsville
- Friesville
- Frisco
- Frizzleburg
- Frystown
- Fullerton
- Galeton
- Gallitzin
- Ganister
- Gap
- Garden View
- Gardners
- Garrett
- Gastonville
- Geeseytown
- Geistown
- Genesee
- Geneva
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Georgetown
- Gettysburg
- Gibraltar
- Gibsonia
- Gilberton
- Gilbertsville
- Girard
- Girardville
- Glasgow
- Glassport
- Glenburn
- Glen Campbell
- Glendale
- Glendon
- Glenfield
- Glen Hope
- Glen Lyon
- Glenmoore
- Glenolden
- Glen Osborne
- Glen Richey
- Glen Rock
- Glenshaw
- Glenside
- Gold Key Lake
- Goldsboro
- Goodville
- Gordon
- Gordonville
- Gouglersville
- Gouldsboro
- Graceton
- Grampian
- Grantley
- Granville
- Grapeville
- Grassflat
- Gratz
- Gray
- Gray
- Grazierville
- Great Bend
- Greencastle
- Greenfields
- Green Hills
- Green Lane
- Greenock
- Greensboro
- Greensburg
- Greens Landing
- Green Tree
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Grier City
- Grill
- Grindstone
- Grove City
- Guilford
- Guys Mills
- Halfway House
- Halifax
- Hallam
- Hallstead
- Hamburg
- Hamorton
- Hampton
- Hannasville
- Hanover
- Harford
- Harlansburg
- Harleigh
- Harleysville
- Harmonsburg
- Harmony
- Harrisburg
- Harrison City
- Harrisville
- Hartleton
- Hartstown
- Harveys Lake
- Harwick
- Hasson Heights
- Hastings
- Hatboro
- Hatfield
- Haverford College
- Hawk Run
- Hawley
- Hawthorn
- Haysville
- Hayti
- Hazen
- Hazleton
- Hebron
- Heckscherville
- Hegins
- Heidelberg
- Heidlersburg
- Heilwood
- Hellertown
- Hemlock Farms
- Hendersonville
- Henrietta
- Hereford
- Herminie
- Hermitage
- Herndon
- Hershey
- Hickory
- Hickory Hills
- Highland Park
- Highspire
- Hilldale
- Hiller
- Hillsville
- Hinkletown
- Hokendauqua
- Holiday Pocono
- Hollidaysburg
- Holters Crossing
- Homeacre-Lyndora
- Homer City
- Homestead
- Hometown
- Homewood
- Homewood at Martinsburg
- Honesdale
- Honey Brook
- Hookstown
- Hooversville
- Hop Bottom
- Hopeland
- Hopewell
- Hopwood
- Horsham
- Hostetter
- Houserville
- Houston
- Houtzdale
- Howard
- Hublersburg
- Hudson
- Hughestown
- Hughesville
- Hulmeville
- Hummelstown
- Hummels Wharf
- Hunker
- Hunterstown
- Huntingdon
- Hustontown
- Hyde
- Hyde Park
- Hyde Park
- Hydetown
- Hyndman
- Hyner
- Laboratory
- Laceyville
- Laflin
- Lake Arthur Estates
- Lake City
- Lake Heritage
- Lake Latonka
- Lake Meade
- Lakemont
- Lakeside
- Lake Wallenpaupack Estates
- Lake Winola
- Lake Wynonah
- Lamar
- Lampeter
- Lancaster
- Landingville
- Landisburg
- Landisville
- Lanesboro
- Langeloth
- Langhorne
- Langhorne Manor
- Lansdale
- Lansdowne
- Lanse
- Lansford
- Laporte
- Larke
- Larksville
- Latrobe
- Lattimer
- Laureldale
- Laurel Lake
- Laurel Mountain
- Laurel Run
- Laurelton
- Laurys Station
- Lavelle
- Lawnton
- Lawrence
- Lawrence Park
- Lawrenceville
- Lawson Heights
- Leamersville
- Lebanon
- Lebanon South
- Leechburg
- Leeper
- Leesport
- Leetsdale
- Lehighton
- Leith-Hatfield
- Lemont
- Lemont Furnace
- Lemoyne
- Lenape Heights
- Lenhartsville
- Lenkerville
- Leola
- LeRaysville
- Level Green
- Levittown
- Lewisberry
- Lewisburg
- Lewis Run
- Lewistown
- Liberty
- Liberty
- Lightstreet
- Ligonier
- Lilly
- Lima
- Lime Ridge
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln University
- Lincolnville
- Linds Crossing
- Linesville
- Linglestown
- Linntown
- Linwood
- Lionville
- Lititz
- Little Britain
- Little Meadows
- Littlestown
- Liverpool
- Llewellyn
- Lock Haven
- Locustdale
- Locust Gap
- Loganton
- Loganville
- Long Branch
- Longfellow
- Loop
- Lorain
- Lorane
- Loretto
- Lower Allen
- Lower Burrell
- Loyalhanna
- Loysville
- Lucerne Mines
- Lumber City
- Luthersburg
- Luzerne
- Lykens
- Lynnwood-Pricedale
- Lyons
- Mackeyville
- Macungie
- Madera
- Madison
- Madisonburg
- Mahaffey
- Mahanoy City
- Mainesburg
- Mainville
- Maitland
- Malvern
- Mammoth
- Manchester
- Manheim
- Manns Choice
- Manor
- Manorville
- Mansfield
- Maple Glen
- Mapleton
- Mapletown
- Marcus Hook
- Marianna
- Marianne
- Marienville
- Marietta
- Marion
- Marion Center
- Marion Heights
- Marklesburg
- Markleysburg
- Marlin
- Mars
- Marshallton
- Marshallton
- Martinsburg
- Martinsburg Junction
- Martins Creek
- Maryd
- Marysville
- Masontown
- Masthope
- Matamoras
- Mather
- Mattawana
- Maxatawny
- Mayfield
- Maytown
- McAdoo
- McAlisterville
- McClure
- McConnellsburg
- McConnellstown
- McDonald
- McElhattan
- McEwensville
- McGovern
- McKean
- McKeansburg
- McKee
- McKeesport
- McKees Rocks
- McKinley
- McKnightstown
- McMurray
- McSherrystown
- McVeytown
- Meadowlands
- Meadowood
- Meadville
- Mechanicsburg
- Mechanicsville
- Media
- Mehoopany
- Melrose Park
- Mercer
- Mercersburg
- Meridian
- Merion Station
- Mertztown
- Meshoppen
- Messiah College
- Mexico
- Meyersdale
- Middleburg
- Middleport
- Middletown
- Middletown
- Midland
- Midland
- Midway
- Midway
- Mifflin
- Mifflinburg
- Mifflintown
- Mifflinville
- Mildred
- Milesburg
- Milford
- Milford Square
- Millbourne
- Mill Creek
- Millersburg
- Millerstown
- Millerstown
- Millersville
- Millerton
- Mill Hall
- Millheim
- Mill Run
- Millsboro
- Millvale
- Mill Village
- Millville
- Millwood
- Milroy
- Milton
- Mineral Springs
- Minersville
- Mingoville
- Misericordia University
- Mocanaqua
- Modena
- Mohnton
- Mohrsville
- Monaca
- Monessen
- Monongahela
- Monroe
- Monroeville
- Mont Alto
- Montandon
- Mont Clare
- Montgomery
- Montgomeryville
- Montoursville
- Montrose
- Montrose Manor
- Monument
- Moores Mill
- Moose Run
- Moosic
- Morea
- Morgan Hill
- Morgantown
- Morrisdale
- Morris Run
- Morrisville
- Morrisville
- Morton
- Moscow
- Moshannon
- Mount Aetna
- Mountainhome
- Mountain Top
- Mount Bethel
- Mount Carbon
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Cobb
- Mount Eagle
- Mount Gretna
- Mount Gretna Heights
- Mount Holly Springs
- Mount Jackson
- Mount Jewett
- Mount Joy
- Mount Morris
- Mount Oliver
- Mount Penn
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant Mills
- Mount Pocono
- Mount Royal
- Mount Union
- Mountville
- Mount Wolf
- Muhlenberg Park
- Muir
- Muncy
- Mundys Corner
- Munhall
- Murrysville
- Muse
- Myerstown
- Nanticoke
- Nanty-Glo
- Naomi
- Narberth
- Natrona
- Natrona Heights
- Nazareth
- Nealmont
- Needmore
- Nemacolin
- Nescopeck
- Nesquehoning
- New Albany
- New Alexandria
- New Baltimore
- New Beaver
- New Bedford
- New Berlin
- New Berlinville
- New Bethlehem
- New Boston
- New Brighton
- New Britain
- New Buffalo
- Newburg
- Newburg
- Newburg
- New Castle
- New Castle Northwest
- New Centerville
- New Columbia
- New Columbus
- New Cumberland
- New Eagle
- Newell
- New Florence
- New Freedom
- New Freeport
- New Galilee
- New Holland
- New Hope
- New Jerusalem
- New Kensington
- New Kingstown
- New Lebanon
- Newmanstown
- New Market
- New Milford
- New Morgan
- New Oxford
- New Paris
- New Philadelphia
- Newport
- New Ringgold
- Newry
- New Salem
- New Salem
- New Schaefferstown
- New Stanton
- Newton Hamilton
- Newtown
- Newtown
- Newtown Grant
- New Tripoli
- Newville
- New Washington
- New Wilmington
- Nicholson
- Nicktown
- Nittany
- Nixon
- Noblestown
- Norristown
- Northampton
- North Apollo
- North Belle Vernon
- North Bend
- North Braddock
- North Catasauqua
- North Charleroi
- North East
- Northern Cambria
- North Irwin
- North Philipsburg
- North Towanda
- Northumberland
- North Vandergrift
- North Wales
- North Warren
- North Washington
- Northwest Harborcreek
- Northwood
- North York
- Norvelt
- Norwood
- Nottingham
- Noxen
- Nuangola
- Numidia
- Nuremberg
- Paint
- Palmdale
- Palmer Heights
- Palmerton
- Palmyra
- Palo Alto
- Paoli
- Paradise
- Pardeesville
- Paris
- Park Crest
- Parker
- Parkesburg
- Park Forest Village
- Parkhill
- Parkland
- Park Place
- Parkside
- Parkville
- Parryville
- Patterson Heights
- Patton
- Paxtang
- Paxtonia
- Paxtonville
- Pen Argyl
- Penbrook
- Penfield
- Pen Mar
- Penn
- Penndel
- Penn Estates
- Penn Farms
- Penn Lake Park
- Pennsburg
- Pennsbury Village
- Penns Creek
- Pennside
- Penn State Berks
- Penn State Erie (Behrend)
- Pennville
- Pennwyn
- Penn Wynne
- Penryn
- Perkasie
- Perryopolis
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Petrolia
- Philadelphia
- Philipsburg
- Phoenixville
- Picture Rocks
- Pikes Creek
- Pillow
- Pinecroft
- Pine Glen
- Pine Grove
- Pine Grove Mills
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Run
- Pitcairn
- Pittsburgh
- Pittston
- Plainfield
- Plains
- Platea
- Pleasant Gap
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hills
- Pleasant View
- Pleasantville
- Pleasantville
- Pleasureville
- Plum
- Plumsteadville
- Plumville
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Meeting
- Plymptonville
- Pocono Mountain Lake Estates
- Pocono Pines
- Pocono Ranch Lands
- Pocono Springs
- Pocono Woodland Lakes
- Point Marion
- Point View
- Polk
- Pomeroy
- Portage
- Port Allegany
- Port Carbon
- Port Clinton
- Portersville
- Portland
- Port Matilda
- Port Royal
- Port Trevorton
- Port Vue
- Potlicker Flats
- Potters Mills
- Pottsgrove
- Pottstown
- Pottsville
- Pringle
- Progress
- Prompton
- Prospect
- Prospect Park
- Prospect Park
- Pughtown
- Pulaski
- Punxsutawney
- Puzzletown
- Pymatuning Central
- Pymatuning North
- Pymatuning South
- Railroad
- Rainsburg
- Ramblewood
- Ramey
- Rankin
- Ranshaw
- Raubsville
- Rauchtown
- Ravine
- Reading
- Reamstown
- Rebersburg
- Red Hill
- Red Hill
- Red Lion
- Reedsville
- Reese
- Refton
- Rehrersburg
- Reiffton
- Reightown
- Reinerton
- Reinholds
- Renfrew
- Rennerdale
- Renningers
- Renovo
- Republic
- Reservoir
- Revloc
- Rew
- Reynolds Heights
- Reynoldsville
- Rheems
- Rices Landing
- Riceville
- Richboro
- Richfield
- Richland
- Richlandtown
- Riddlesburg
- Ridgway
- Ridley Park
- Riegelsville
- Rimersburg
- Ringtown
- Riverside
- Riverside
- Riverview Park
- Roaring Spring
- Robertsdale
- Robeson Extension
- Robesonia
- Robinson
- Rochester
- Rockdale Acres
- Rockhill
- Rockledge
- Rockwood
- Rogersville
- Rohrerstown
- Rohrsburg
- Rome
- Ronco
- Ronks
- Roots
- Roscoe
- Rosebud
- Rosemont
- Roseto
- Rose Valley
- Roseville
- Roslyn
- Rossiter
- Rosslyn Farms
- Rote
- Rothsville
- Roulette
- Rouseville
- Rouzerville
- Rowes Run
- Royalton
- Royer
- Royersford
- Runville
- Rupert
- Rural Valley
- Russell
- Russellton
- Rutherford
- Rutledge
- Sabinsville
- Sadsburyville
- Saegertown
- Sagamore
- Saginaw
- Salisbury
- Salix
- Salladasburg
- Salona
- Saltillo
- Saltsburg
- Salunga
- Sanatoga
- Sand Hill
- Sandy
- Sandy Lake
- Sandy Ridge
- Sankertown
- Saw Creek
- Saxonburg
- Saxton
- Saylorsburg
- Sayre
- Scalp Level
- Schaefferstown
- Schellsburg
- Schenley
- Schlusser
- Schnecksville
- Schoeneck
- Schubert
- Schuylkill Haven
- Schwenksville
- Scotland
- Scottdale
- Scranton
- Selinsgrove
- Sellersville
- Seltzer
- Seneca
- Seven Fields
- Seven Springs
- Seven Valleys
- Seward
- Sewickley
- Sewickley Heights
- Sewickley Hills
- Shade Gap
- Shamokin
- Shamokin Dam
- Shanksville
- Shanor-Northvue
- Sharon
- Sharon Hill
- Sharpsburg
- Sharpsville
- Shartlesville
- Shavertown
- Sheakleyville
- Sheatown
- Sheffield
- Shelltown
- Shellytown
- Shelocta
- Shenandoah
- Shenandoah Heights
- Sheppton
- Shickshinny
- Shillington
- Shiloh
- Shinglehouse
- Shippensburg
- Shippensburg University
- Shippenville
- Shippingport
- Shiremanstown
- Shirleysburg
- Shoemakersville
- Shrewsbury
- Sickles Corner
- Sidman
- Sierra View
- Siglerville
- Silkworth
- Silverdale
- Simpson
- Sinking Spring
- Sinnamahoning
- Skelp
- Ski Gap
- Skippack
- Skyline View
- Slabtown
- Slatedale
- Slatington
- Slickville
- Sligo
- Slippery Rock
- Slippery Rock University
- Slovan
- Smethport
- Smicksburg
- Smith Corner
- Smithfield
- Smithton
- Smock
- Smoketown
- Snow Shoe
- S.N.P.J.
- Snydertown
- Snydertown
- Somerset
- Soudersburg
- Souderton
- South Bethlehem
- South Coatesville
- South Connellsville
- South Fork
- South Greensburg
- South Heights
- Southmont
- South Montrose
- South New Castle
- South Philipsburg
- Southpointe
- South Pottstown
- South Renovo
- South Temple
- South Uniontown
- Southview
- South Waverly
- Southwest Greensburg
- South Williamsport
- Spartansburg
- Speers
- Spinnerstown
- Springboro
- Spring Church
- Spring City
- Springdale
- Spring Drive Mobile Home Park
- Spring Grove
- Spring Hill
- Spring House
- Spring Mills
- Springmont
- Spring Mount
- Spring Ridge
- Springville
- Sproul
- Spry
- Starbrick
- Star Junction
- Starrucca
- State College
- State Line
- St. Benedict
- St. Clair
- St. Clair
- St. Clairsville
- St. Davids
- Steelton
- Stevens
- Stewartstown
- Stiles
- Stillwater
- St. Lawrence
- St. Marys
- St. Michael
- Stockdale
- Stockertown
- Stoneboro
- Stonerstown
- Stonybrook
- Stony Creek Mills
- Stormstown
- Stouchsburg
- Stowe
- Stoystown
- St. Petersburg
- Strabane
- Strasburg
- Strattanville
- Strausstown
- Strodes Mills
- Strong
- Stroudsburg
- Sturgeon
- St. Vincent College
- Sugarcreek
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Notch
- Summerhill
- Summerville
- Summit Hill
- Summit Station
- Sunbrook
- Sunbury
- Sunrise Lake
- Sun Valley
- Susquehanna Depot
- Susquehanna Trails
- Sutersville
- Swarthmore
- Swartzville
- Swedeland
- Sweden Valley
- Swedesburg
- Swissvale
- Swoyersville
- Sykesville
- Sylvan Hills
- Sylvania
- Table Rock
- Tamaqua
- Tarentum
- Tatamy
- Taylor
- Taylorstown
- Telford
- Temple
- Templeton
- Terre Hill
- Tharptown (Uniontown)
- The Escape
- The Hideout
- Thompson
- Thompsontown
- Thompsonville
- Thornburg
- Thorndale
- Three Springs
- Throop
- Tidioute
- Timber Hills
- Timblin
- Tioga
- Tionesta
- Tipton
- Titusville
- Toftrees
- Topton
- Toughkenamon
- Towamensing Trails
- Towanda
- Tower City
- Townville
- Trafford
- Trainer
- Trappe
- Treasure Lake
- Tremont
- Tresckow
- Trevorton
- Trevose
- Trexlertown
- Trooper
- Troutville
- Troxelville
- Troy
- Trucksville
- Trumbauersville
- Tullytown
- Tunkhannock
- Tunnelhill
- Turbotville
- Turtle Creek
- Tuscarora
- Twilight
- Twin Rocks
- Tyler Run
- Tylersburg
- Tylersville
- Tyrone
- Tyrone Forge
- Wagner
- Wakefield
- Wall
- Wallaceton
- Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
- Waller
- Walnutport
- Walnuttown
- Wampum
- Wanamie
- Warfordsburg
- Warminster Heights
- Warren
- Warrior Run
- Warriors Mark
- Washington
- Washington Boro
- Washingtonville
- Waterford
- Watsontown
- Wattsburg
- Waverly
- Waymart
- Wayne
- Wayne Heights
- Waynesboro
- Waynesburg
- Weatherly
- Webster
- Weedville
- Weigelstown
- Weissport
- Weissport East
- Wellersburg
- Wellsboro
- Wells Tannery
- Wellsville
- Wernersville
- Wescosville
- Wesleyville
- West Alexander
- West Brownsville
- West Chester
- West Conshohocken
- West Decatur
- West Easton
- West Elizabeth
- West Fairview
- West Falls
- Westfield
- West Grove
- West Hamburg
- West Hazleton
- West Hills
- West Homestead
- West Kittanning
- Westland
- West Lawn
- West Leechburg
- West Liberty
- West Mayfield
- West Middlesex
- West Middletown
- West Mifflin
- West Milton
- Westmont
- West Myerstown
- West Nanticoke
- West Newton
- Weston
- Westover
- West Pittsburg
- West Pittston
- West Reading
- West Sunbury
- West View
- West Waynesburg
- West Wilmerding
- Westwood
- Westwood
- West Wyoming
- West Wyomissing
- West York
- Wheatland
- Whitaker
- Whitehall
- White Haven
- White Mills
- White Oak
- Whitfield
- Wickerham Manor-Fisher
- Wiconsico
- Wilburton Number One
- Wilburton Number Two
- Wilcox
- Wilkes-Barre
- Wilkinsburg
- Williamsburg
- Williamsport
- Williamstown
- Willow Grove
- Willow Street
- Wilmerding
- Wilmore
- Wilson
- Winburne
- Windber
- Wind Gap
- Wind Ridge
- Windsor
- Winfield
- Winterstown
- Witmer
- Wolfdale
- Womelsdorf
- Wood
- Woodbourne
- Woodbury
- Woodcock
- Woodland
- Woodland Heights
- Woodlyn
- Woodside
- Woodward
- Woolrich
- Wopsononock
- Wormleysburg
- Worthington
- Worthville
- Woxall
- Wrightsville
- Wurtemburg
- Wyalusing
- Wyano
- Wylandville
- Wyncote
- Wyndmoor
- Wynnewood
- Wyoming
- Wyomissing