Broadband in Oklahoma's cities, towns, and villages
- Bache
- Badger Lee
- Baker
- Ballou
- Barber
- Barnsdall
- Baron
- Bartlesville
- Bearden
- Beaver
- Bee
- Beggs
- Belfonte
- Bell
- Bennington
- Bentley
- Bernice
- Bessie
- Bethany
- Bethel Acres
- Big Cabin
- Billings
- Binger
- Bison
- Bixby
- Blackburn
- Blackgum
- Blackwell
- Blair
- Blanchard
- Blanco
- Blue
- Bluejacket
- Boise City
- Bokchito
- Bokoshe
- Boley
- Boswell
- Bowlegs
- Bowring
- Box
- Boynton
- Bradley
- Braggs
- Braman
- Bray
- Breckenridge
- Brent
- Briartown
- Bridge Creek
- Bridgeport
- Briggs
- Bristow
- Broken Arrow
- Broken Bow
- Bromide
- Brooksville
- Brush Creek
- Brushy
- Bryant
- Buffalo
- Bug Tussle
- Bull Hollow
- Bunch
- Burbank
- Burlington
- Burneyville
- Burns Flat
- Bushyhead
- Butler
- Butler
- Byars
- Byng
- Byron
- Cache
- Caddo
- Calera
- Calumet
- Calvin
- Camargo
- Cameron
- Canadian
- Canadian Shores
- Caney
- Caney
- Caney Ridge
- Canton
- Canute
- Capron
- Carlisle
- Carlton Landing
- Carmen
- Carnegie
- Carney
- Carrier
- Carter
- Cartwright
- Cashion
- Castle
- Catoosa
- Cave Spring
- Cayuga
- Cedar Crest
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Valley
- Cement
- Centrahoma
- Central High
- Chance
- Chandler
- Chattanooga
- Checotah
- Chelsea
- Cherokee
- Cherry Tree
- Chester
- Chewey
- Cheyenne
- Chickasha
- Choctaw
- Chouteau
- Christie
- Cimarron City
- Claremore
- Clarita
- Clarksville
- Clayton
- Clearview
- Cleora
- Cleo Springs
- Cleveland
- Clinton
- Cloud Creek
- Coalgate
- Colbert
- Colcord
- Cole
- Coleman
- Collinsville
- Colony
- Comanche
- Commerce
- Connerville
- Cookson
- Cooperton
- Copan
- Copeland
- Corn
- Cornish
- Cottonwood
- Council Hill
- Covington
- Coweta
- Cowlington
- Coyle
- Crescent
- Crescent Springs
- Cromwell
- Crowder
- Cumberland
- Cushing
- Custer City
- Cyril
- Haileyville
- Hallett
- Hammon
- Hanna
- Hanson
- Hardesty
- Harrah
- Hartshorne
- Haskell
- Hastings
- Haworth
- Haywood
- Headrick
- Healdton
- Heavener
- Helena
- Hendrix
- Hennepin
- Hennessey
- Henryetta
- Hickory
- Hillsdale
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hitchita
- Hobart
- Hochatown
- Hodgen
- Hoffman
- Holdenville
- Hollis
- Hollister
- Homestead
- Hominy
- Honey Hill
- Hooker
- Hoot Owl
- Hopeton
- Horntown
- Hough
- Howe
- Hoyt
- Hugo
- Hulbert
- Hunter
- Hydro
- Lahoma
- Lake Aluma
- Lake Ellsworth Addition
- Lakeside Village
- Lamar
- Lambert
- Lamont
- Lane
- Langley
- Langston
- Latta
- Laverne
- Lawrence Creek
- Lawton
- Lawtonka Acres
- Leach
- Lebanon
- Leedey
- Le Flore
- Lehigh
- Lenapah
- Leon
- Leonard
- Lequire
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Liberty
- Lima
- Limestone
- Lindsay
- Little City
- Little Ponderosa
- Little Rock
- Loco
- Locust Grove
- Lone Chimney
- Lone Grove
- Lone Wolf
- Long
- Longdale
- Longtown
- Lookeba
- Lost City
- Lotsee
- Loveland
- Lovell
- Lowrey
- Loyal
- Lucien
- Luther
- Lyons Switch
- Macomb
- Madill
- Mallard Bay
- Manchester
- Mangum
- Manitou
- Mannford
- Mannsville
- Maramec
- Marble City
- Marietta
- Marietta
- Marland
- Marlow
- Marshall
- Martha
- Maud
- May
- Maysville
- Mazie
- McAlester
- McBride
- McCord
- McCurtain
- McLoud
- Mead
- Medford
- Medicine Park
- Meeker
- Mehan
- Meno
- Meridian
- Miami
- Middleberg
- Midwest City
- Milburn
- Milfay
- Mill Creek
- Millerton
- Minco
- Moffett
- Monroe
- Moodys
- Moore
- Mooreland
- Morris
- Morrison
- Mounds
- Mountain Park
- Mountain View
- Moyers
- Mulberry
- Muldrow
- Mule Barn
- Mulhall
- Murphy
- Muskogee
- Mustang
- Mutual
- Paden
- Panama
- Panola
- Paoli
- Paradise Hill
- Park Hill
- Pauls Valley
- Pawhuska
- Pawnee
- Peavine
- Peckham
- Peggs
- Pensacola
- Peoria
- Perkins
- Perry
- Pershing
- Pettit
- Phillips
- Pickett
- Piedmont
- Piney
- Pinhook Corner
- Pink
- Pin Oak Acres
- Pittsburg
- Platter
- Pocasset
- Pocola
- Ponca City
- Pond Creek
- Pontotoc
- Porter
- Porum
- Poteau
- Prague
- Preston
- Proctor
- Prue
- Pryor Creek
- Pump Back
- Pumpkin Hollow
- Purcell
- Putnam
- Salina
- Sallisaw
- Sams Corner
- Sand Hill
- Sand Point
- Sand Springs
- Sapulpa
- Sasakwa
- Savanna
- Sawyer
- Sayre
- Schulter
- Scipio
- Seiling
- Selman
- Seminole
- Sentinel
- Sequoyah
- Seward
- Shady Grove
- Shady Grove
- Shady Point
- Shamrock
- Sharon
- Shattuck
- Shawnee
- Shidler
- Short
- Silo
- Simms
- Skedee
- Skiatook
- Slaughterville
- Slick
- Smith Village
- Smithville
- Snake Creek
- Snyder
- Soper
- Sour John
- South Coffeyville
- Sparks
- Sparrowhawk
- Spaulding
- Spavinaw
- Spencer
- Sperry
- Spiro
- Sportmans Shores
- Sportsmen Acres
- Springer
- Steely Hollow
- Sterling
- Stidham
- Stigler
- Stillwater
- Stilwell
- St. Louis
- Stonewall
- Stoney Point
- Strang
- Stratford
- Stringtown
- Strong City
- Stroud
- Stuart
- Sugden
- Sulphur
- Summit
- Sumner
- Sunray
- Sweetwater
- Swink
- Sycamore
- Taft
- Tagg Flats
- Tahlequah
- Talala
- Talihina
- Taloga
- Tamaha
- Tatums
- Taylor Ferry
- Tecumseh
- Temple
- Tenkiller
- Teresita
- Terlton
- Terral
- Texanna
- Texhoma
- Texola
- Thackerville
- The Village
- Thomas
- Tiawah
- Tipton
- Tishomingo
- Titanic
- Tonkawa
- Tonkawa Tribal Housing
- Toppers
- Tribbey
- Tryon
- Tullahassee
- Tulsa
- Tupelo
- Turley
- Turpin
- Tushka
- Tuskahoma
- Tuttle
- Twin Lakes
- Twin Oaks
- Tyrone
- Wagoner
- Wainwright
- Wakita
- Walters
- Wanette
- Wann
- Wapanucka
- Wardville
- Warner
- Warr Acres
- Warwick
- Washington
- Washita
- Watonga
- Watova
- Watts
- Wauhillau
- Waukomis
- Waurika
- Wayne
- Waynoka
- Weatherford
- Webb City
- Webbers Falls
- Welch
- Weleetka
- Welling
- Wellston
- Welty
- West Peavine
- Westport
- West Siloam Springs
- Westville
- Wetumka
- Wewoka
- Whippoorwill
- White Eagle
- Whitefield
- Whitehorn Cove
- White Oak
- Whitesboro
- White Water
- Wickliffe
- Wilburton
- Willow
- Wilson
- Winchester
- Wister
- Woodall
- Woodlawn Park
- Woodward
- Wright City
- Wyandotte
- Wynnewood
- Wynona